Tuesday 18 February 2014

Eight tips for travelling with kids

8 tips for travelling with kids

1. Take something old…

‘If your child gets upset, it’s important that you have something they know and are instantly soothed by to hand. This can be anything from a toy, to a book or a blanket.’

2. …And something new

‘Never underestimate the power of novelty. A new toy, a new book, a new game or a new cartoon is sure to grab your child’s attention for a decent length of time.’

3. But not something noisy

‘Noisy toys are fine at home, but they bring dirty looks on public transport.’

4. Use your surroundings

‘Always make sure you take advantage of the things around you. If you are on a plane, use the on-board entertainment system. If you are on a train or bus, use your surroundings to play I-spy or something similar.’

5. Colour co-ordinate

‘Most children have a favourite colour that calms them down and grabs their attention. With this in mind, try to source as many items in that colour as you can before a journey. For example, my son’s favourite colour is blue, so I pack everything from a blue lollipop to blue plasters.’

6. Pack smartly

I’ve learned the following things the hard way. You don’t need to take both anti-bacterial wet wipes and hand sanitiser. A spare T-shirt is much more useful that a book you won’t have time to read. Crackers are a poor travel snack, as they go everywhere. And it’s far more sensible to get your children to travel in one piece pyjamas rather than full-on outfits.

7. Let them have their own luggage

‘There are two reasons you see so many children sitting on toy suitcases with wheels is simple. It gives them independence and they can sit on it and get pulled around when they’re bored.’

8. And last, but definitely not least, remember them.

Culled from Metro

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