Monday 17 February 2014

UN To Punish North Korea

 Kim Jong-un
A year-long UN inquiry into rights abuses in North Korea is due to be published, and is expected to urge punishment for systematic violations by the state.

A panel of experts mandated by the UN's Human Rights Council said North Koreans had suffered "unspeakable atrocities".

The panel heard evidence of torture, enslavement, sexual violence, severe political repression and other crimes.

It is expected to recommend an inquiry by an international court or tribunal.

The BBC's Imogen Foulkes in Geneva says the report is expected to be one of the most detailed and devastating ever published by the United Nations.

Testimony to the panel has included an account of a woman forced to drown her own baby, children imprisoned from birth and starved, and families tortured for watching a foreign soap opera.

The full report is expected to contain hundreds of pages of further evidence of a nationwide policy of control through terror, says our correspondent.
 Crowds bow to the statues of North Korea's late leader Kim Jong-il, right, and his father Kim Il-sung near Pyongyang, Feb. 16

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